Dream Basement & Copperheads

I dreamed that I was walking down a hill to the back yard and my basement. There was a side door.

As I was walking, I saw two pits. The larger one had two copperheads in it just lying there. They didn’t see me or move. 

I decided not to go to my basement but turned around and started walking back up the hill. 

I looked in the smaller pit and saw a very bizarre looking snake in it just moving around. 

I thought about getting some kind of fork-like spear to throw at the copperheads. 


In this dream, You were regressing to past memories, but you knew that there was a danger in doing this. The snakes and the pit indicate demonic spirits who are assigned to this place of past memories. You recognized this was not a good place to go to just as you start to head that way, remembering past things that happened that are buried deep inside. (basements represent a place where hidden feelings, and memories are stored) You know this “place” can maybe cause depression or sadness in you. When you open that “door” to this place, it wakes up these spirits and they can attack you with the depression. As you “turn” from this idea of going there you begin to “move up” to a more positive outlook on life. Going up hill requires more physical work than going down hill, so it means you have to make the effort to move away from it. Even going up hill can mean bizarre attacks on you because the enemy does not like it when we move up in our feelings and thoughts, so he’s there ready to cause strange happenings to attack you and cause you to retreat.
The “forked” spear is not going to work in killing those snake spirits. They will see it coming and move out of the way. You need something more powerful that they can’t see coming. That would be the Holy Spirit to bring healing in you from those past hurting memories. When you are healed, the enemy does not have anything to use against you, and those past memories do not open you up to attacks of depression or sadness anymore.