Dream: Building vs. Buying

Laura and I were meeting with the real estate agent and a builder. The builder had on scratched glasses that had those sunvisor things on them. He had curly brown hair and built an amazing house. We were in this wooded subdivision with rolling hills. It was very nice.

As we were talking through all of the mechanics, I stopped them. I reminded Laura how we would not build again. The first time was a mess, and neither of us wanted to do that again. I was starting to add up all of the costs. We didnt have a lot of money to build. But, buying was the way to go – we just needed to buy a house already in existence. That was my thinking, anyway. Plus there was something odd about that builder dude. It felt that he was just trying to get our money.

Laura told me about some old man that had a red house (his second home) somewhere that she thought was for sale. I cannot recall the town that he said it was in, but it seemed to be in Atlanta.

Is God telling me that we are going to buy a house here? Or is this figurative?