Dream: Dog Racing & The horse is prepared for battle

But, the victory belongs to the LORD.

I will not write what I believe God is telling me. I dont like the idea. To God be all glory.

I look forward to the day that I dance with Jordan at her wedding. The LORD showed it to me. She was beautiful. She is beautiful.

Karen McAdams sent me this. I know what it means, I think.

5 – grace

3 – trinity

100X – 100 fold

hmm..you sent this to me at 11:11 (JOHN 11:11)..is there someone you need to wake up to that needs your support (the dog)..maybe someone that has been overlooked. Perhaps its someone that both you and your mom know..i think you both bet on the same person (dog) but your mom wasnt as confident as you were? Could be totally off base, but thats what occurred to me.

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:11 AM, John Stein <john.stein@johnjstein.com> wrote:

Trudy is my mom.

I dreamed that we were at this big social ting. Everyone was real friendly, and it had organized gambling – on dogs racing.

We bet on the dogs.

I won $500.

I was given an envelop with “Trudy”on the outside. She won $300.

I had picked a dog who had been out fora couple weeks because she had gotten tired. She was rested and did well.