I dreamed that Laura and I were on some kind of business trip. But, it was like a work vacation.
We were at a beach house, but I never saw the beach. Some dude seemed way too interested and friendly with Laura, and she seemed interested back.
It was setting off alarms in me. I could feel jealousy.
I told her, but she kept on. We went into the bedroom to talk. It had a curtain for a doorway, and some lady came and shut the curtain while we were sitting on the end of the bed talking.
We were then traveling back to the hotel where everyone was meeting. But, I was driving alone. I guess Laura was too. When I got to the hotel, I came into the parking deck from the back entrance. Not many people came in through this way. I almost got stuck going down the wrong lane but quickly fixed it and got down into the parking deck.
I parked and went into the meeting room. It had a long table in the narrow room. I had changed into my football uniform.
Laura wasn’t there yet, but that dude was waiting by her chair.
When I came in, he saw me and quickly moved away.