Dream: Fling at Conference

These kinds of dreams freak me out.

I was at a business conference. It was my turn to speak. We had a big booth with all kinds of cool technology. My presentation thing wasnt working, and someone came up with a quick fix using some of the computers and video in our booth. Just then, a woman came up to me and hugged me like we knew each other. I thought it was Angela Oberlin (salesperson who worked for me from my last company). She had lost a lot of weight and that caught my attention. I remember the muscles in her arms.

It embarrassed me to hug me in front of the whole world. I remember her feeling my belly and remarking how hard my stomach muscles were.

We ran into each other later and hung out. There was an attraction. When we were at dinner, I noticed that she didnt look like the person that I thought she was. She even now had a gap in her teeth. I was also concerned that I would be caught. I was thinking about Laura a lot.

It seemed that we might have gone and had sex, but I dont recall that. I never saw it in my dream. We were leaving the hotel where the conference was. I was on the top floor. The atrium was really amazing. It came all the way up. The middle was open. As we were walking, her girlfriend came up to her. They were leaving together. So, I walked to the elevator by myself. As I went, I noticed a bunch of doggie beds stacked outside one of the rooms close to the elevators.

When I got closer to the elevator, this girl was alone sitting in the hall talking on one of the house phones. I felt that she had lied to me about leaving with her girlfriend.

I also remember the night before that I was at dinner with some folks and saw her. I think that I left my group to be with her.

I woke up alarmed.

Two nights ago, I had a dream that I had sex with some lady. We were in a house with a bunch of other folks and made a break to a room to have sex and hoped that no one found out. Then, we went to dinner with everyone.
There are parallels in these two dreams.