Dream: Golf Carts and Crashing Commercial Planes

I dreamed that I was at some big gathering in a city.

I overheard on the radio some pilots talking about problems with their commercial planes. I knew that they were going to crash. There were a number of them. It was like an attack.

Suddenly, three of them flew overhead.

There were a large number of people assembled outside with me. Most had driven golf carts to where we were. I looked for one that had a key in it so that I could drive back over to the clubhouse. I found one with many keys. They belonged to someone else. So, I grabbed just the cart key and put it in a different cart.

As I went over to the club, I noticed how all of the carts in the front of the clubhouse needed straightening/pulling up. It seemed to be my job.

Someone came out of the pro shop telling me not to mix the keys. They had to go in the type of cart they were made for.

As I was pulling up the carts, I heard Laura complaining about business to the club pro from my old club growing up. They were getting ready to go out and play together. I saw Laura put her bags on his cart.