I dreamed that we were living in a house. It had a big yard and was a rental. There was no asphalt on the road.
We were looking to buy a place so I called an ad. I was talking to the guy about it trying to go see it. He was giving me directions. As I drove up the road, a cop was gunning speeders. I wasnt paying attention and was going faster than the 25mph limit.
I watched in the rear view mirror for him to pull out, but he never came.
I found out that the house for sale was in our same neighborhood behind where we were staying.
It seemed like I was talking to Nick, our current neighbor because as I was describing the deal with the cop, he was telling me all about them (cops).
I even pulled over on a side road to wait for the cop, but he never came.
The guy was in the back yard getting ready to mow the grass. He had a rear-entry, walk-in basement. I think that he was preparing his riding mower. I could see the snow covered Rockies on the other side of the house. It faced north-west.
John’s Interpretation:
I believe that the house is the church. We are simply borrowing our time at Bridgeway looking for a permanent home. But, I dont need to be in a hurry to get to the next place.