Dream: Manhunt

I was with some guys on a manhunt. We had shotguns. He was armed too. And, the he was me. But, I was with the posse, so to speak. It was night, and we were outside.

We were positioned in the top of a big wooden tower that was bigger than the house. We were behind it and on the right side of the house. He “me” was on the left side.

My partner was talking to me about where he was. I had my gun fixed on the back corner. I could see his “my” shadow at the corner. I knew that he was coming out. I was thinking that I should shoot at the corner but wasnt totally sure.

All of a sudden, he “me” comes running across the yard straight for us. He was running and zig zagging. I couldnt get a shot. he “me” did not fire at us and just ran on by.