Dream: mom and girlfriend

I dreamed that I was at my girlfriend’s house. She was a new girlfriend. My mom spent the night there too.

Me and my girlfriend woke up, and I was in her bedroom laying on the floor or sitting in a bean bag chair or something on the floor looking at her journal. I read a couple of pages and was hunting what she had written about me. There were a couple of things. I noticed how she didnt write it out but rather just made notations about things.

Then, I went into her bedroom. I was talking to her. I saw her face once but didnt recognize her as someone that I know. We were not wanting my mom to discover something about us. When my mom woke up, we worked out way out to the kitchen – or I did. This house looked a lot like Laura’s old house in Columbus, GA.

There were two dogs that wanted out for the morning business. The little one had a hot dog coming out of his butt already. He really needed to go.

I woke up.