Dream: Murderer and Baby

Crazy dream.

I was locked in a bedroom with a killer and some other people. There was a baby in the room too. Everyone was lying down like we had been in a war for a long time.

I couldn’t speak well from all of the trauma and weariness.

The murderer and I were saying something to each other, and he pulled up his gun to shoot me, but the bullet missed. I was trying to protect the baby. I think that the others were dead already.

Someone came to the house, and we heard them. The murderer got up and left the room. I managed to get up but found the door locked – from the outside, which meant that the lock itself was with me. It was more like he was trying to keep people from entering in. I just opened the lock and walked down the hall.

I kept thinking about the baby but needed to get help.

I finally got to the two people and kept mumbling. Over and over until I finally yelled “Police!” “Police!”

I woke up.


Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah. A new season is coming. A new year. A new day.

I believe that the devil has been trying to take me out and take out the new season that God is bringing. But, help is coming.