Dream: Skyscraper

I am on the top of a skyscraper watching workers work on the building next door. There is a tv crew and others filming the work. The TV reporter guy wants to throw up. He is laying on the scaffolding and intimidated by the height. There are others up here who dont normally come. We all have some fear of falling below. It’s very high. I walk around the building and see a scaffold with two guys on it. They are pointing vertically to the building rather than having their scaffold line up against the building. They are working on it’s construction. The scaffold flies back and forth, and the nose crashes into the side of the building. They have a heavy rock at the far en to keep them buried.

Then, I am inside and looking out of a top window. I see the design of the building and observe how it works up here.

Before I saw a woman with her buddy working on the outside too.

Suddenly, I am outside and on top but on the other side. The building top is grassy. It flows away and down like a hillside. And, it drops down to the countryside below in gradual fashion. A town is down below.

I had been walking around the offices inside and noticed how they all kind of leaned. The floors tilted. Some were quite steep in grade, and all went in the same direction. When I was on top on the grassy area. I could see that the slope/grade was the same as the building flowed down to the countryside.