Things are interesting to say that least. Laura and I are a mess but ok. Funds are running out. I am trying to figure out what God wants with Nehemiah Ventures, Laura’s business, my business, etc.
Need new clients. Have been working hard on getting Laura’s new line of business going. She thinks NV is a bit off, but I feel that I need to complete the planning phase, which is what the LORD told me to do last year.
That is the background to this.
I dreamed that I was on the roof of the World Trade Center with Ben Stiller, the actor. Laura or someone had set up a hang glider (lots of colors) for us. It was not huge nor did it have that bar that you hang onto. There were two black ropes hanging from each end that looped around so that you could stick your arms through the loops.
We were discussing flying off of the roof together.
Ben kept running around the roof inspecting everything thing from all angles. The sky was gray and cloudy but not stormy. The wind was blowing a bit, which was presenting caution to Ben. But, it wasn’t a gail or anything.
At first, Ben didn’t have a helmut on. Neither did I. But, when I turned around to look at him running around the roof, he suddenly had one. I still did not.
His was white.
I was just crouched down on the roof watching him do his thing. At one point, it looked like he jumped over the ledge because you couldn’t see the edge, but there must have been something down there because he came running right back up.
I wanted to fly, but he kept studying everything and wasn’t convinced that it was safe to go.