Eagles and horses

Matthew 24:28

28“Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.”

Job 39:30

30“His young ones also suck up blood;
And where the slain are, there is he.”

God has often spoken the verse of where the corpse is the “eagles” will be found. Vultures in the NASB also reads “eagles”. I take this to mean that where the dead body is, the prophets will be found. This ties back to Ezekiel and the dry bones. Our church is a dying body – at least in America. But, God is raising up a prophetic voice to speak life back into the body.

Now, as I read over this this morning, I came across the cross reference to Job 3:9:30. “And where the slain are, there he is.”

Entire verse:

Job 39:26-30

26“Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars,
Stretching his wings toward the south?
27“Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up
And makes his nest on high?
28“On the cliff he dwells and lodges,
Upon the rocky crag, an inaccessible place.
29“From there he spies out food;
His eyes see it from afar.
30“His young ones also suck up blood;
And where the slain are, there is he.”

This is packed with stuff.

  1. Eagles dwell on high.
  2. They dwell on the edge of disaster (cliffs).
  3. They dwell where no one else can reach them.
  4. But, they find nourishment there. “My food is to do the will of my Father”.
  5. They can see their food from afar. The view is expansive from high points, where few go or can even reach.
  6. His children suck up blood. The bible says that “life is in the blood.” The blood of Jesus brings forth much life, and the young ones suck it up.
  7. Where the slain are (where the dead body is), he will be found. The prophets can be found around the dead bringing life back to it.

But, I extend this further. God has prophetically spoken over me that I am a horse to bring forth the carriage. Johnny said it, and Angie confirmed it. In Job 39, right before the eagles reference, God speaks of His horse:

Job 39:19-25

19“Do you give the horse his might?
Do you clothe his neck with a mane?
20“Do you make him leap like the locust?
His majestic snorting is terrible.
21“He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength;
He goes out to meet the weapons.
22“He laughs at fear and is not dismayed;
And he does not turn back from the sword.
23“The quiver rattles against him,
The flashing spear and javelin.
24“With shaking and rage he races over the ground,
And he does not stand still at the voice of the trumpet.
25“As often as the trumpet sounds he says, ‘Aha!’
And he scents the battle from afar,
And the thunder of the captains and the war cry.

Boy, this is something special. This horse has power and comes with no fear. When his captain says go, he just goes. There is nothing to hold him back. I think of the horses in Braveheart that march forward at blistering speeds right into those long spears. They were skewered, and it had to hurt. But, thinking about it, they just went full blast right into the army. They had to be able to see that they couldnt jump over or turn around or stop. They went fearlessly into battle.

God is moving me into that position. He is eradicating fear out of me so that I will march into battle like a stallion or whatever kind of horse that is.

Bless the LORD, this is amazing.