Taffie Furr: The Air is Full with Promises Fulfilled—And a Key Has Been Released to Your Destiny
by Taffie Furr
Feb 11, 2010
Prophesied on January 8, 2010 in Albany, Oregon at The ElijahList’s “What is God Saying for 2010?” Conference
“2010 is a year of your transitioning being established into positioning. Many doors, both big and small, that have been kept both hidden and sealed closed, shall be made obviously visible and opened.
“Your pathways shall be cleared away for a free and steady run as you seek My instructions and walk in obedience to both My rhema and logos word. Remain where you are until the clarity of My Spirit overtakes you for the next jog of your journey. Yes, this time will be known as being fast-paced because acceleration is upon you and set in motion upon the season, but it will not be without rest and it will not be aggressively strenuous. I am in it and all over it and I give rest and joy, not heavy burdens.”
The Lord wants me to tell you that before you leave here tonight, many of you will be set into the launching of your destinies. The doors that have been held closed before you are being opened. And the Lord, by His supernatural power, will be stepping (placing) your foot inside that door, “And the chains and the ropes, right now, are being severed,” says the Spirit of the Lord. Let it be! Let it be—in the name of Jesus! He says, “Let it be!
“And I tell you, there’s a symphony of angelic hosts, right over there in that corner, and there’s a multitude of people with broken hearts that are being healed and set free right now,” says the Spirit of the Lord.
The Lord says, “And so it is, literally filling the air, causing changes to the atmosphere around you—the words I have spoken into the very air you breathe in are ‘promises fulfilled.’ I have given the order—promises fulfilled for those who have been, and are willing to wait upon the Lord. Take it, receive it, move and live in it,” says the Spirit of the Lord.
“The vault of Heaven is opened to My children and I will pour out My blessings and treasures, multiplied, as you are willing to receive in faith, knowing that I am good and that My word produces, supplies and never runs dry.
“As the world looks for and is assuming the worst, I am fulfilling the desires of My precious Bride and giving you the best.
“You are about to see a swift change come about into the ruling powers! The government at hand will not remain the same. Principalities and strongholds are about to be knocked down from their high horse as you, My Church, once again becomes a powerful people of prayer and unity.” The Spirit of the Lord says, “Power up! Power up, My Church!”
“There is a Key that Has Been Released—The Key to Your Destiny in Me”
Prophesied on January 9, 2010 in Albany, Oregon at The ElijahList’s “What is God Saying for 2010?” Conference
Not too long ago, Ivan Roman gave me a word about a sword being behind my back (hidden), and that I would draw it out, and it was mighty, and it was a large sword. I would draw it out from time to time. All afternoon, I’ve been seeing that sword, and I’ve been feeling the feel of drawing it out. I believe the Lord is saying that it’s time to be released, not just for me, but for the Body of Christ. There are hidden things, there are hidden mantles, and it’s time for those things to be released in you. The Spirit of Prophecy is here and the Spirit of Revelation is here, and it’s time for it to be released and unlocked. So, let’s take our swords out together, in the name of Jesus, and let those things be released, and let our words be decreed and solid and straight as an arrow, hitting the mark, in the name of Jesus!
“Today—today in your sight,” says the Spirit of the Lord God Almighty, “there is a key that has been released and it is the key to your destiny in Me. It is the key that unlocks every seal, that I’ve called you forth to be in the name of Jesus Christ.” He’s speaking of your callings that you have been predestined with, and have the seal of the Holy Spirit upon, becoming manifest within you.
You shall go forth as a mighty army of zeal in the Lord. I call forth the fire of God, right now, to be released upon you, to be released upon you and unlocked, in the name of Jesus Christ. I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “For I have called you forth for such a time as this; I have given you My name, and I have given you My word, and there shall be no enemy—no enemy that shall stand against you, for I shall bring down every enemy that has stood in your path and I shall replace that enemy with joy, with blessing, with purity and all that is Mine, all that is Mine,” says the Spirit of the Living God. “Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice unto this day,” says the Living God.
Taffie Furr
Revelation of Jesus Christ Ministries
Email: revjcministries@yahoo.com