EVS had their Christmas party two nights ago. Well, that is in the midst of my fast.
When we got to the restaraunt, I had an impression to break the fast. So, the debate started up. Do I break it? Do I not? I grabbed Nate and asked him. He said certainly. Come into the crowd and be with them. Love them. I am trying to enter into the worlds of others. I felt his advice to be solid. Then, Laura calls me. So, I ask her. She says immediately, yes! So, I break the fast.
Well, I decided to have one glass of wine. This was not wisdom. After 8 days of not eating, the wine got to me a bit. I was talking to Evan and could tell it was on me. When I was ready to leave, Evan asked me on two different occasions if I wanted to stay at his house. I said no and that I was fine.
So, I drove home. I felt fine when I was in the car. I was talking with Jack, and was clear. But, in Longmont, a cop pulled up next to me, and I got a really bad feeling. I was like, oh no, I dont want to get pulled over. That would be bad.
So, all night long, I wrestled. Holy Spirit put a big conviction on me. He tells me that where I am going, I simply cannot put myself into situations where the Name of the LORD could get tarnished. I must walk in holiness. Drinking is fine. Drinking in public might not be wisdom. Certainly, I have the right. But, He asks me to give it up. Lay it down. I could have waited until I was more clear. So, I think that I will just leave my wine at home.
Well, yesterday morning, I get pulled over on my way into work. It seems that I had two brake lights out. Oh the grace! I could have gotten pulled over by the cop that I saw the night before. But, the LORD was protecting me. He corrected me Himself.
I repent. I repent. And, I praise God for teaching me this lesson in this manner. He is just too good.