Fast 3/5

I struggled to get up this am. 5:00

But, I did.

I came down and decided that sparkling water and tea dont qualify for a fast.

As I sat here praying, I saw the LORD Jesus sitting at a table. He was drinking coffee. Ha! I had none. He pushed His to me.

I went ahead and made coffee. Jen was up so I invited her to join us.

We watched youtube worship songs. I was crying the whole time. He is here!

I keep seeing me and Him sitting at that table just talking. Talking and talking.

He prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Funny thing is that I never saw any of them.

Oh Jesus, I love You!

I love You, Jesus!

I love You!

Please be present. Be near. Speak to me. Just talk. No agenda God.