Fast 1/9

I felt ill-at-ease on this fast. I was called into the 21 day, Acts 2 fast that Lou Engle and many are doing. They called a 9 day extension. Oh man. This is the third extended fast this year.

I sure do believe that Holy Spirit told me to join in. But I originally weenied out.

A day + later, I am on board. I woke up at midnight last night totally messed up. In fact, I couldnt sleep all night. And, I have been fighting witchcraft for two days.

I finished up the 21 day fast poorly. It discouraged me. Home Depot wears me out. It is physically demanding. Somewhere, I forgot about obedience and God being able to get me through it.

When I am weak, then He is made strong.

So, today is day one of nine. Praise God! I believe it to be significant.

Much is going on in the spirit.