Fast 11/40

Laura got in bed with me last night and prayed. That is awesome. She hasnt done much of that. It has felt like me alone on much of the stuff. But, she did, and I loved it. Also, I have seen her focusing on the positive. There is a negative spirit that tries to get on her and Jack frequently. She is gaining eyes to see it.

Even Jordan got a whiff of that spirit last night. I prayed it off of her, and she was fine. She is normally quite positive.

I got two leads for work yesterday. Bless God. Only He knows where all of this is leading. I talk with Arnie and Kevin again tomorrow. Hopefully, their funding is closer. But, we have seen God in all kinds of things and that not ending up being what He wants.

I want resurrection power.

I do not feel real close to Him, but I dont feel like He left. This isnt a dark night of the soul, but it is a period void of deep initimacy. I keep trying to press in.

It seems that the gifts are on low. I want to see them fully manifested.

Am needing some good worship.