Fast 14/40

Had a good discussion with Arnie and Kevin yesterday. They have a new company getting ready to go in the aerospace arena. I would be the watchdog over the money and would be moving to Austin or wherever they are for a period of time. This would be a full-time job, so elevate29 would go dormant. That doesnt make a lot of sense to me since God was in elevate29, but He is in this too.

The next step is for them to meet with that company and secure the funding. That should happen in the next two weeks.

Laura and I would then fly to Austin to meet with them for a couple of days.

Things are happening.

Jordan, Laura and I went to NPCC for worship last night. Jordan is raising her hands to the LORD in our presence. It was great. Bless the LORD, she is getting a fire for Him. O LORD, get my family!

I need some time at Daystar or somewhere deep in His presence. I can only go so long before my well dries up. I know why Jesus had to go hang on the mountain by Himself all night.

I have had two occasions this week to release a word, but I asked questions rather than just saying exactly what I saw or heard. I have lost a little confidence in my prophetic since I have been so dry and had that period where I felt I was in the flesh. But, I am seeing and hearing the LORD, so that is an encouragement. I already repented of unbelief and will just say whatever I get when I get it, as the LORD leads.