The word of the LORD: My promises will be kept. Run into them. Nothing will harm you. Do not be afraid. I am with you.
God gave me those 5 rainbows at day one of the fast, when I met Kraig for the first time. Yesterday, we had the run in with the rattler. It ended with a deer hanging right in front of us. Hell and the devil to peace.
Today, Sean Smith was at Bridgeway. He preached on the desert bloom and promises of God. It was all from Elijah. The dude went to check 7 times. Faith to keep looking.
1 kings 18:41 the rain us coming – promises of God are being fulfilled. Got the 5 rainbows the first day of fast and new running shoes and thus pic the last day. The promises are true and being fulfilled. The flower wll blossom in the desert. Isaiah 35
Yes, God. I believe!
Fast started as a quest to end rebellion. It went into unbelief. And, it was filled with promise.
I got new running shoes yesterday. See them. They look like the rainbow. Today, a lady painted the attached picture of a flower blossoming in the desert. It has the same colors as my shoes.
God is amazing!