Fast 3/11

God can be crazy some times. You know, I entered into this fast for Jordan. I am finding that the LORD is working on me.

I met with a man yesterday not know what we would be talking about. We ended up landing on me, my journey, Laura and all that is going on. I got it quickly that I need to surrender and submit to God. You know? I thought that I have been all this time. I have been on my knees trying to do the right thing.

The short of that is that I have presented Laura with a plan. Either I drive out to CO to find a job or I look for a full-time gig here. It doesnt matter. She can make the decision. We will let the LORD provide and continue to bring us income through Rob. But, I would do nothing proactive with him – just work the deals that come in. That would give me time to focus hard core on the job hunting. But, I really need to be wherever it is that we will live.

Let’s see what happens.

I went to the Vine last night. Those men are awesome. God told me not to be independent and a floater. Abbey Foard prophesied this to me three years ago. Well, I have been. Man, I have tried and tried to get a spiritual father. I have looked for men to hang around. It was nice hanging out with the boys at the Vine. I have to stop feeling the need to do the work all of the time. Sometimes, it’s best to just be. You can be a spiritual Martha too. Yikes!

So, I am waiting on Laura to decide, and then I will move forward. Father, make us one with You – in this and all matters.