Paul went through seven days of purification as he was preparing to face the Jews in Jerusalem. These Jews would soon arrest him which would lead to his journey to Rome and ultimate death.
The seven days of purification was recommended by the elders along with four witnesses who vowed allegience.
“Get out of the box.” O’ LORD, what box am I in? Crush my box, God!
“Come up here.” It is coming. The LORD is going to invite and is inviting me up higher. Up to the heavens I go.
Fire and electricity are associated with Angels. Open heavens – angels ascending and descending. I got this from Randy Clark yesterday and from Larry Randolph last week.
God is opening me up to open heavens and angelic activity. I pray increase in the number of angels assigned to me. And, greater authority in the spirit. I pray God to increase the anointing in all areas and increase the revelatory gifts and anointing. I pray increase in sight and hearing.
Open the heavens.
Let me see.