Fast 4 of 7 – Tuesday | Called to Ministry

Declare the Promises

I plan on going through my prophetic words and reviewing them with the LORD.

Home Depot. They keep reaching out to me. So, I go there? I dont want to. God said “now” three weeks ago. I knew it mean they promises. So, what to do? I thought I heard Home Depot, but I dont know. God, whats up? I am still waiting on Jeff Greenberg and possibly helping him. Is this a test with Home Depot? Will I obey?

I dont want to be disobedient. I also dont want to continue with minimum wage jobs.

God, please tell me what is Your will!

I made an an appointment with HD to interveiw next Tuesday.

Rich texted me that he thought I was pursuing a job based on experience and training. We talked. he believes I am called to ministry. Man, that keeps coming up. I went back to my journal and see all the way back to 2007 that I was called to full time ministry – in the vocational sense. Something is up.

I texted Peter Young to talk about this. I also texted many others for clarity.

God, what do I do next?