Fast Coming

Yesterday, as I was reading Acts, I was caught by Paul’s fasting and the laying of hands for the commissioning of work. It’s funny how sometimes just a word stands out.

Last night, I decided to watch Bethel. Bill was talking about us being close to breakthrough and the Daniel 10 story. I kept thinking that my fasting is too casual. My approach to the LORD is too casual. I am not like I used to be, and I dont see the same walk. I want that back.

I started looking at my calendar and thought that a seven day fast would be in order. As I was counting the days, Bill was talking about how Bethel is going to do a seven day fast starting April 2. I am like, “wow”, that’s what I am thinking.

Good confirmation.

This morning, I decided to get out of town next week for a few days. I am going to go seek the LORD alone. Maybe, I take Rocky, but it’s going to be me and Papa.

We shall see what happens, but God is able to save my marriage. God is able to bring my job. And, God is able to give me back my ministry. Him alone shall I seek.