Fast Ended

Fast ended without me really seeing the hand of God, except:

  1. Teri Usiak told me that a spirit of jealousy was against us. Thinking it might be jonathan’s brother and/or dad. Esau.
  2. Pricing got lowered. Both big revelations. Hoping that they make a difference. I made the fast all the way through. It was hard.

Sleep has still been messed up. Last night was much better. I blew my shofar and scared them away. I hope!

I guess God’s hand really did move.

We need sales. And, we need room to be made for us to do what needs to be done.

Social media needs to incrase.

Might need to look at Mike Raferty.

My parents fly back tomorrow. They will be moving here soon.

Praying for rain!

– over the fires and region

– over Denver and America – God’s Spirit and on mE!!!

– over TRF – financially

3 applications of rain