So, the LORD is working on giving me my mantle back. Bless YOU, Jesus. I dont know how I laid it down, and i am sorry. I want it back.
I decided to go get a blue blazer at the mall. It was $300, and I dont have that. But, I wasnt going to let fear keep me from getting in alignment with what God is on. I found the right one at Dillards, and as I went there, I was walking through the mall. I passed a Doc Popcorn kiosk, and the LORD said, “you can have some popcorn if you want”. Ha! I was like, yea! Of course I want popcorn. So I got a blazer and popcorn.
Lana Vawser is in town. Last night was the first night, and she went into this thing on suddenlies and breakthrough. We are about to see crazy events. And, she went on about how God was talking to her about popcorn and how it suddenly pops open one after another after another. Bless the LORD. My fast now has popcorn as a feature.
Laura and I are struggling. There is an antichrist spirit operating with her. She told me that she would not go to any “spirit filled” churches, didnt want intercession, etc. All the deep things of Holy Spirit she is rejecting. That certainly is not God.
I told her that I was praying for the LORD to release me from the marriage. I am tired of her abuse. I am tired of her being so mean. She really needs a visitation. I honestly dont believe that God is going to release me. He gave me a dream and an encounter. I know that He will fix this. But, it sucks in the process. Her refusal to get help leaves me in place where prayer is all I have.
But, God!
I have my third interview with New Media on Tuesday. Terry Hunter is supposedly getting funded now. We keep hearing that one. I hope it happens, but I am pursuing the job. God will vindicate me in some way.
Oh, I had Lana pray for me last night. I will put the written version up later. Regarding the mantle, she kept hearing “more than before”. Yes God!