Lisa allowed me to pray for her girls that she leads. The feedback is coming, and it is encouraging to know that I am hearing the LORD.
———- Forwarded Message ———-
From: Casree Holland <>
To: “” <>
Subject: Re: Casree
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 08:33:04 -0600
Sitting here in Glory filled tears !!!!!!! Ummmmm yep this is from God 4 things that have been spoken over me in the past and wow. The wild horse at the end was a kiss from God!!! You have no idea what this has done to my heart such joy such joy thank you sooooooooo much. I needed this powerful encouragement. When you are used to encourage and push forward with such plowing you don’t realize how much you need to hear and RECEIVE papas words and love. Thank you thank you thank you!
Thanks ,
Casree Holland
Joshua 1:9.
On Aug 29, 2014, at 5:22 AM, “” <> wrote:
> This is the prophetic word my friend John got for you. Test it and then receive it. Blessings!
> To: Lisa Max <>
> Subject: Casree
> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:54:27 -0600
> For Casree,
> I saw three spinning objects over your life: a dress with red polka dots and black trim, twiriling. The second was a purple umbrella, like you see in a drink, spinning in a glass. The last was a merry go round with horses and a multi-colored top, aslo spinning around.
> And, I believe that the LORD is speaking to the seasons of your life, each a different time of significance.
> The LORD is with you at every step. During those times when it is just you that is His focus, it is your dance and your praise that moves you forward. As your twirl, He is seen, brilliantly displayed, coming from you.
> For the times when others are the focus, God knows you value friendship and loyalty and are trustworthy, even long-suffering. It is your companionship and gifiting of love that He puts forward to comfort the broken hearted. You are a good friend indeed. You are a daughter of the King and know what it means to be of royal blood. And, you are a great ambassador for heaven. The LORD loves your loyalty to people and quick forgiveness when offense wants to rise up.
> For the times that He takes you to the world, you are magnificiently and wonderfully and fearfully made. And, even when people seemingly are only going around and around, you have just the right thing that they need to help them back on a straight path. You have many gifts. Use them. Dont rely on just the one that is working today. Faith moves God. You have just what you need when the situation requires it. You have strength. God is shaping your will to line up more with His every single day.
> He adores you, even the wild stallion because He made you.
> God makes no mistakes.