I am on a ferris wheel with binoculars. Every time that the wheel goes tot he top, I peer over to the right and to the left. A might river flows to the right, adjacent to the wheel. Dolphins jump out in the air. Kids play in it. And, there is much joy and laughter.
And, on my left, there is a pathway of fire. the fire burns low, but is super hot. I see the saints march along the path. Impurities are falling off of them, and each impurity that falls in the fire creates a spark or flare up. At the top, I look to see the end of the path. I know that there is an end, but the mist that stands on the end prevents me from seeing it.
A wind blows from the east, and the mist parts, and I get just a glimpse of paradise. And, suddenly, it closes back up.
I hear the Spirit say to keep my eyes focused on moving forward. It does often feel like you are going around in circles not making progress. The walk of life will come with much fire and many trials., but it also comes with great joy. “I will increase destiny upon you in pieces. You will see and know in part. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will make your pathway straight.”
Bless the LORD!