Starting today and each first weekday of every month, I am going to fast to the LORD a first fruit fast. We will give one of our workdays to God to be with Him. I hope to see that happen at Nehemiah Ventures each month.
Here are the notes from my first ever First Fruits fast. By the way, in the time when I wrote this down to now, a young lady came in here at the chapel at DU. I asked the LORD what she needed to hear, and He gave me Psalm 42:5. So, I took her my bible. She told me that it was right on, and I was allowed to pray for her. The LORD had some cool things to say to, and she was greatly encouraged. Good confirmation on the fast. Love it!
I do not journal like I once did. Now, I write dow the significant events in my online journal. My argument is that I can search stuff out later, and that has proven to be true. But, I think you give up frequency. And, personalization.
Today, we are on the verge of significant developments in God’s Kingdom on earth. He is coming in a big way, and this world needs it. It is exciting and hard.
Laura and I have been attending Flat Irons Community Church lately. Babies. But, like a mama bear, you don’t mess with the kids. I think that the LORD is raising up people to be the mama bears in the church. The hard part is that the kids don’t know how that they are kids, even at an older age. Spiritual maturity and physical maturity are two different things. Our own maturity comes over time.
Pastor Jim of Flat Irons was preaching this weekend and sharing an encounter that he had in Africa with the LORD. He was a bit fearful to share what had happened. I had a big heart for him and wanted to give him m card. Cool as it were, he was out in the lobby meeting folks when we were leaving. So, we got in line and talked to him. I could really feel the presence of the LORD on me strongly. It was stronger than I have felt in quite a while. I wonder whether there is an assignment there.
I shared with Jim that his dream meant he and the church were about to get nuked by the Holy Spirit. It was going to cause big issues and crisis in the church, especially among leadership. I told him about the prophetic and a little of our past. And, I told him that I would love to help him, if he wanted it. I don’t know if he will reach out to me yet, but he certainly will when it gets crazy.
When the crisis comes, it will be different because he will be alone.
Laura and I are improving. I would say. The LORD is really maturing her and speaking about dying to self, which we all need. She is learning the LORD’s ways and speaks with understanding. Nice.
God continues to work on my surrendering to Him. My limp grows daily.
Last week was very hard. We ran so far out of money that I had to tap into Jordan’s student loan money. I have t find work, whether that is part time or full or consulting or whatever. I just need to find something that is sufficient to pay the bills.
We met with a company on Friday in the middle of all of this fun. He needs me in a big way. They have sales and marketing problems. I am hoping to get him for 10k a month, minimum. RockPile ends in 2 mos so cash flow goes down by 3,200 there. Lots of areas. Lots of crisis. Johnny Enlow had a great word for the month. This is going to be a super month. Bless the LORD!
Faye gave me Psalm 37 and Psalm 121. And, she gave me Isaiah 4044 but not 42.
The people in my life had said the same things recently – “it is only temporary.” This was speaking about the job.
I meet with PetroDE tomorrow am. Help me, LORD! If this is what You want, let it be so.
I have been thinking about my dream the other day. It was amazing and awesome to see me graduating. But, I am curious as to what the 2 gifts were that Jesus wants to give me. When Jesus gives gifts, I think it means the fivefold. When Holy Spirit gives gifts, they are power-related. Maybe I am just thinking to much about this.
I need to just receive. So, LORD here I am! Give them to me!!!
The part that I did see in the dream pertained to seeing more clearly, so that is awesome!
Doing the math, LORD. COUNTING it all joy.