Fishing and God Said!

Fishing with Darren was great.

He has no fear of man. And, he has had his prep. It was good to hear another dude’s story.

I am really trying to figure out what’s next.

God SAID ministry. God SAID Nashville. God was in Eleos. God SAID now.

God, You said these things. You make them happen. It’s not my job to do what You say. You watch over your word to perform it. Jer 1:12.

God, YOU watch over Your word.

I think it’s a good change in thinking. God makes His word come true.

He watches over it.

It’s simply not my job. Mine is to do what He tells me to.

So, I am still wrestling with Home Depot. I called them, but they never called back. do I now turn to Lowes? I dont care what man thinks. I will go there or wherever. It’s not butt wiping like Darren had to do.

I am praying for my next step. What is the ONE step for my journey, LORD?

I wait until I hear.

My three day fast begins today.

Pentecost tonight from a Jewish perspective. It’s Sunday from a Christian perspective.

Get ME LORD! Breathe on me!