Fishing with Jen

I went fishing with Jen again. Man, she really is an awesome lady. She really is quite different outside of Home Depot.

And, she outfishes me. Ha! I was so ready to be done, but she wanted to keep going.

But, it is very cool to hang with a woman who smokes cigars and fly fishes. Thank You, LORD.

There is something going on, for certain. I still kow what I saw in my dream. I am hanging onto that. But, I am processing with the LORD what He is up to and what the dream really means. Go slow, eh? I really am good with just being friends and focusing on developing a deep relationship based on that.

But, as I said, Id be lying if I didnt think God were up to something. He is.

If He is, then I can see why He wanted me to go the Boulder HD store with jen. Funny.

There has been a big acceleration in our relationship since I have been there.