
My fast may have produced something in God’s eyes, but it was a disaster in mine.

I eat all of the time now.

LORD God, I am sorry. I told You I would do something and I failed.



God is able to get us where we need to be. Trust Him to do it.

Jen read us the riot act yesterday about promotion not coming until our hearts are right in the current situation. Truth.

I think a lot of my discontentment with life comes in knowing that I have a higher calling and a destiny different from where I am.

There is more.

And, as I look at my continued failures and wak attempts to get it right, I just know I will disqualify myself from ever seeing it happen.

It’s all about me, including the failure and inabilityt o succeed.

I need a better revelation about God’s heart toward me and ability to pull of what He wants for my life.