Genesis 1 and Revelation 12 (Birth and War)

v1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

v2 The earth was formless and void and DARKNESS WAS OVER THE SURFACE OF THE DEEP, and the Spirit of God was MOVING OVER THE SURFACE OF THE WATERS.

* could it be that these waters had nothing to do with oceans? V10 is where the earth is first mentioned in terms of land mass.

v3 let there be light. God is light. Jesus is the light of the world. It was “good.”

God separated the light from the darkness. Was this the fall in heaven? Was this where the devil was thrown down? Was this the war?

v4 He calls the light day and the darkness night. He does NOT say that the darkness was good. Light was called good. God “saw” that the light was good. And, He separated the light from darkness.

v6 He talks about the expanse (firmament) separating the waters from the waters. He places it in the “midst” of the waters. These are the same waters where the Spirit was hovering over.

v8 God called the expanse heaven. And, heaven is above the earth. Holy Spirit was not hovering over oceans.

v9 God says to let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place and let dry land appear. Now, we are seeing “earth”. v10 And, He names the Seas.

v14-16 God makes the stars and sun and moon. This is a different kind of light than what He spoke about earlier.