My life has tended to be a prophetic sign. As I go, so shall the world shortly thereafter – at least the church.
As such, I have been super dry for a while now. Lately, I have been physically dry. My soul thirsts.
I need a fresh drink. I think it is the LORD.
Jen and I spoke with Ms. Betty (Jones) last night about everything. It seems our spiritual walk has also gotten dry. Honestly, I think the flesh has risen above the spirit. It is time to change.
My new shofar is on its way. I plan on using that moment to mark when we reset. We will blow the trumpet in Zion and get to work.
I plan a fast of three days but am sensing it might go five.
Jen and I will start worshipping the LORD together every morning after I get a little time one on one.
We will amp up our prayer lives. Pray in tongues. Pray for each other. Pray for our city. Pray for our families. Just pray.
We will seek God like never before. We need a fresh word. God?
We will worship.
We will work through the masonic garbage once again. I am curious as to whether there is a financial curse still active. Jen never renounced all of that mess so it’s a good time to do that.
And, I pray that the anointing returns that we get a fresh baptism and that we overflow. Please give us the grace, LORD.
This was sent to me after I wrote this post:
May 24th 2023, 03:17, by Lana Vawser Ministries
Recently, I heard the Lord say “Things are about to become BRAND NEW! It’s a NEW DAY” and when He spoke it, immediately I saw a ‘death’ process that MANY have been walking over the last few years.
I saw many walking paths where they felt like they were watching their vision die. They were watching their hopes die. They were watching things that they had believed for die. I saw many looking at themselves feeling like so much of ‘who they are’ had died. The day got darker and for many even their secret place with the Lord went from flowing abundance and overflowing revelation and deep refreshment, to silence.
I saw many who had felt like they were suddenly thrusted into a wilderness season. I saw many faces looking bewildered and they were looking around wondering what they had done wrong, wondering what had happened. There was a movement of momentum, to a sudden stop. There was a place of excitement in the vision God had spoken, to the place of chaos, pressing, and intense opposition hitting the very areas and vision God had given them.
I watched as many had been in this place for a long time but their hearts were believing “It’s going to get better, I am about to come out” and then suddenly, it got harder. The pressing increased. It felt like the ‘dying process’ got more intense.
This vision then began to speed up like you would see when you fast forward a movie and things were happening very quickly.
As I asked the Lord what He was saying, I heard Him say again:
“Things are about to become BRAND NEW! IT’S A NEW DAY”
The Lord then began to show me that many have felt like the dying process (John 12:24) has been long and has been one of the hardest and darkest seasons they have walked, but the Lord was declaring the NEW DAY has arrived, that will see a sudden acceleration forward into His vision and His plans.
I watched where many felt like the vision/s died, but NOW there was resurrection life. The Lord was not only bringing these visions He had given them back to life , but that on the wings and winds of the Holy Spirit like never before they would see a mighty acceleration that was unprecedented.
I then heard the Lord say “The death came and NOW COMES THE NEW!!!!! It is time for the BRAND NEW. You walked through the dying process, NOW I bring you back to the drawing board to BUILD THE NEW with Me like never before. I am adding more. I am stretching out the tent pegs, I am making changes, I am shifting things, I am changing the shape of things to add MORE INCREASE!!!!!! What you are building and being invited into build and pioneer with Me, is now going to see you positioned to witness the greatest move of My Spirit that you have ever seen.”
“You thought it was over. You thought the vision was over and gone. You thought My Words had fallen to the ground, but NO, I was making room for INCREASE. I was making room for you to BIRTH what you have never birthed before and to move into unprecedented pathways of building with Me. You are now moving into places you have never moved in before. You are now walking with Me into paths that have not been travelled.”
“My fire is falling upon you right now to revive you, to resuscitate you, to heal you, to deliver you, to fill you again and to baptise you afresh in the fire of My love and the fire of My presence. I am speaking over you “GET UP ON YOUR FEET AGAIN”.
“Guard the vision closely, guard the increased vision that I am releasing now. Go slow in the building with Me and listen close to My specifications and building instructions, for it is completely different to how you have built with Me before, but oh the joy of seeing My presence, My abundance, overflow and favour, it is going to blow your mind. These are the days of awe!”
“Be wise with whom you invite into the vision. Be led by My Spirit and watch how I will continue to draw your tribe and increase your tribe around you to run with the vision I have given you. There will be some that will not be able to go on the journey with you, but I am bringing others to run with you in these new places and new pathways. Do not be afraid to build out of the box, for that is exactly where I am leading you. You will have provision that is unprecedented. You will see a mighty wealth transfer take place to build My Kingdom and position you to pour out in generosity like never before. I am providing ALL you need for the NEW I am building. I am providing MORE THAN ENOUGH for the out of the box, pioneering and trailblazing assignment I have for you. You will see land and multiple lands given to you. You will see the camels come carrying abundance. You will see Me supernaturally provide to bring forth the vision that I am giving you for this hour. Rest and trust in Me, for I am bringing you into increase to see My plans, My purposes and My vision flourish in the earth. Watch and see how I will draw in the harvest in unprecedented ways through these pioneering pathways I am leading you down.”
I also heard the Lord say:
“Your children are coming with you” and there was such a strong sense that surrounded me again of the move of God right now amongst the children, their vital role in what God is doing and His heart for FAMILY.
It reminded me again of one of the things that the Lord spoke to me many years ago regarding this new era “Watch the children, for there will be an unprecedented move of My Spirit through the children and youth in the new era”.
“Things are about to become BRAND NEW!!!! I am releasing My shalom into the places where chaos has come, I am releasing wholeness and healing into the broken places. I am completely transforming things. It’s a new day!!! This is the time for you to step into the new things I am doing and no longer will your heart grieve and mourn, but your heart will rejoice and exalt Me in awe and wonder of what I am doing and will do.”
And this:
I’m not sure if this is a prophetic word or an encouragement or both, but I felt such a stirring these last few weeks to share what I believe the Lord is doing right now in so many that have felt hope deferred and soul sick for a long period of time.
I’m talking about the those who’ve walked through hardship after hardship, breakdown after breakdown and train wreck after train wreck.
Maybe the word redemption to you at this point feels too good to be true and you feel even slightly critical of even it’s mention. If so, then this is for you – let’s watch God break off some deep disappointment.
I’m feel like I’m speaking to those who at the height of promises, dreams, and what they felt like was a birthing suddenly came into calamity, ruin, and failure.
Yes, I’m speaking to those who’ve had their hopes dashed and have been living in disappointment and survival mode for many years. I feel that to release this properly I need to be vulnerable and share a bit of our story with you.
Leading up to 2020, God gave us multiple dreams about major promises over our lives, and as you may know – we moved and we gave up everything to follow the Lord without a thought.
In March 2020, we arrived in the United States following a specific dream to come on a certain date. Our goal was to purchase a ministry home ready for our arrival later in the year when our visas were approved. But then Covid hit and we were stuck and we watched as each of those dreams suddenly folded before our eyes.
We lost the home we were supposed to purchase and were essentially strangers in the land we felt was home.
By the end of 2021, we had to finalise our visas so we went back to Australia with our tail between our legs, feeling like we’d failed and that we hadn’t heard from the Lord.
Upon arriving, we were escorted by the Australian federal police to a quarantine facility in Sydney where we spent two weeks there just wondering what we’d done wrong and why all these promises hadn’t come to pass. To make matters worse they almost didn’t let us leave because they lost one of our tests on the final day which meant they were wanting to keep us in there for another 14 days.
Thanks to Christy’s fiery “There’s no way we are staying in your scamdemic prison another day longer!” and the great help of the head of police for that area who came to our rescue, we were able to leave.
Then we spent most of 2022 watching the last fragments of all of these dreams fall like seeds to the ground and die. And what was worse it even felt like the Lord was even asking us, “Will you give them to me? Will you surrender the all of them to me?” And we did. But then the big one..God asked us to lay down our visas altogether. So we did.
We walked through grief, and deep sorrow as we gave them to the Lord and placed them in his lap, then let him refresh and refuel us, and He did. Grief began right turn to a deeper abandon, and then abandon into worship, and worship into freedom and delight again. Our slate was wiped clean. We had no chips or cards on the table – just our family and Jesus.
Then something shifted. Suddenly God was beginning to resurrect some of these dreams rapidly, and by October it was like we were watching every one of those seeds being picked up and the Holy Spirit was blowing upon them afresh.
Somehow the season of surrender and laying down was doing more than we realised. We were suddenly dreaming afresh. Receiving downloads in a new way, and feeling a second wind.
Mind you, this is where the warfare really amped up. Everyone around us starting saying “Forfeit the USA!” Stay in Australia!” It was confusing to say the least. I had already given it up but I was waking up every night at 3am in cold sweats weeping over regarding United States. The war was real, but something had shifted.
Then it happened. God opened a suddenly door and we found ourselves holding the very promise that felt so far away and impossible a year earlier.
So we packed up, and in early January we flew to Sydney enroute to the US to officially begin our migration, but when we arrived many of the the hotels in that area we were staying were booked out.
The only hotel that was available happened to be the very hotel that we’d stayed in for quarantine. “No way” I thought, and showed Christy.
“Is this a joke? Is God trying to tease us with this? Why would we have to stay in this hotel the night before we fly back to America? Was this a sign that everything was going to crumble again? Was this a sign that we were going to see further hope deferred and watch these very dreams that God had suddenly resurrected fall to the ground yet again? Were we leading our family through another season of heartache and trauma?”
As we drove to the hotel, we stepped out into the lobby and had the eerie recollection of watching the nurses and federal police escort us out on our last day. I looked over at Christy and she looked over at me. Suddenly, I hear the voice of the Lord speak so clearly. “Nate, this is not what you think it is. I’m taking you on a redemption tour”
As we got into our hotel room, we prayed, and we took communion as a family. I could see it on my kids’ faces, “What’s happening? Why are we here again 13 months later?” But that night, we had the best sleep we had in what felt like years.
The next day as we went to the airport to fly out we still had a lot of the fears hanging over us, and were still walking through the process of what we had just endured these last few years.
But yet I had this word embedded deep in my heart, “you’re on a redemption tour”
Then as we cleared ticketing and security I started receiving messages and emails – somehow all our personal bank accounts had been hacked, our websites crashed, and we had no money to even eat before the flight. But we just laughed it off. We were on the road of redemption and the enemy was mad.
But upon arriving to the United States, we were let off the plane to stand in immigration for over four hours, which isn’t uncommon, but strangely were led to an interrogation room where we were questioned about our status.
We werent told why we were there except that we may have to wait up to 12 hours to hear whether they were going to let us in or send us back to Australia. I started to feel that familiar feeling of, “I knew this was too good to be true, this redemption tour” when suddenly I remembered a word a friend gave me only a month earlier about how he saw two large angels standing with us that were gonna break open the way because the enemy was going to try stop us.
And then the Lord took me back to March 2020, when we arrived into San Francisco and I physically saw two angels with the scripture, Isaiah 45:1-3 written on the side of them as we entered through immigration and into the United States.
Wow. Those two angels had not left our side. They’d been there ever since. So Christy, I, and the kids, dropped to the floor and prayed, “Lord, break open the way!”
Instantly our names were called and they said, “we have no idea why we brought you in here, but you could have been in there for 12 hours!” They let us go and it was as if those two angels busted open that door and released us. We were home!
Now we have been here in the United States for coming up five months, and I can attest to this – God has been faithful and we have indeed been on the road of redemption.
It’s as if He has intentionally led us to places and situations that were literal do overs from the season of barrenness and robbery.
We have found ourselves in full circle moments that had my head spinning of how God orchestrated it.
We have seen every single area of hope deferred begin to come alive and resurrected again.
We’ve seen every single dream that looked like it’d fallen to the ground restored, and we’ve seen the years that the Locust had eaten begin to be recovered.
But this isn’t just a cool story – I feel like what we have been going through is not just for us either.
I believe that what we have been going through is a prophetic picture of what the church has been walking through, what you have been walking through. The hope deferred, the disappointments, the dead seeds, the pain, the heartache, the loss, and the trauma.
But let me prophesy over you the same words that God spoke over me – you are on a redemption tour in Jesus mighty name!
I prophesy that the place that you’ve been stuck in and the experiences and the circumstances that have been dealt to you is not what you’re going to end up with.
You are on a redemption tour and it begins now in Jesus mighty name.
I pray that in the area of health – redemption now!
I just decree in the name of Jesus over your finances, redemption!
Over your hopes and dreams and your destiny – Redemption!
Over your relationships, redemption!
Over your family, and marriages, redemption in the mighty name of Jesus!
I command every area that the enemy has eaten and stolen It must now come back and be restored to you.
And I decree this and prophesy this over you – robbery ends this week and redemption begins in the mighty name of jesus!
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten — the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm my great army that I sent among you.You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed” – Joel 2:25-26