For a couple days now, I keep hearing the word “glory”.
Very interesting. Something is up.
A few days ago I posted a word about incredible breakthrough. I also felt the Lord highlight the word incredible again since then. I felt the Lord saying, that over the next few days there will be more incredible breakthroughs.
Not only that, there are surprises of the Lord within these breakthroughs. The Lord is not only refreshing, renewing, but He is reiterating what He is speaking and decreeing. He is making is plain and clear, as to what is in process of taking shape and materializing into the natural realm. There is a quickening by His spirit, that is positioning and aligning you for more than you can imagine.
What has tried to hinder and delay breakthrough, in actuality is coming in multiplied form of increase, blessing and more of the overflow. Stay focused to vision, where He is leading as you are now moving into breakthrough with no measure. In other words, the weight of His glory is not only coming down but it will be heavy with the manifestation of breakthrough!
2 Corinthians 4:17 ” For our momentary, light distress [this passing trouble] is producing for us an eternal weight of glory [a fullness] beyond all measure [surpassing all comparisons, a transcendent splendor and an endless blessedness]!
Lorilei Cooley Ministries
Today I’d like to share with you another key to releasing healing and miracles. This one may challenge your theology a bit.
Unlike the Holy Spirit, who remains with us always, the manifest presence (or glory) of God comes and goes. The glory of God at one time, rested above the mercy seat in the temple of God. The prophet Isaiah saw the glory in the temple and he also saw it leave. The glory of God visited David in his tabernacle, but did not remain there, permanently. In the same way the glory of God came and went from time to time in days of old, the glory comes and goes at will today and it comes wherever and whenever it is invited.
If you’ve never tried this, I would ask you to do an experiment: the next time you’re praying for someone to be healed or you desire a miracle to happen, ask God to bring his glory into the room. It may take a few minutes to sense the change but you should eventually sense a presence around you that was not there before.
The glory when it manifests, brings different effects upon different people. For some, His presence brings peace and joy. Many people feel His love and goodness when they’re surrounded by His glory. Some display involuntary swaying, shaking, or sense a feeling of weight upon them. (The weight can be so heavy that you can find it difficult to remain standing.)
Invite God’s presence to come whenever you’re in a situation that requires healing or a miracle. The Lord’s presence itself can bring healing without anyone praying. Gold dust will often appear on people’s hands and faces and other manifestations of the miraculous will occur in a room where God’s glory is present.
I hope you’ve found this tip helpful. Give it a try and watch what God does!
Till next time,
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