God doing God things

This morning, I went running. The orthodontist and Jack came up. I knew that the LORD was telling me to get Jack’s braces and that he would pay for it. I dont believe that we are to incur debt. God will bring the money. I told this to Laura, and she asked how we would pay for it. I told her the LORD will. She said that we should divide our money and split up. She will come into Godly order.

So, as I was showering, I had it in my heart to go to The Warehouse to get some work done. But, the thought came to mind to go up to Starbucks instead. I started the old debate. Funny how that happens. And, I had a check to deposit at Wachovia. Well, I thought that since I was having the debate, it must be the LORD so I will go up to Starbucks. Plus, the bank was on the way.

When I got there, Larry Green was there talking with Jon Adams. Ha! The LORD is awesome. I havent seen Larry in a long time.

The short of it is. Larry confirmed the ortho.

And, we ended up in the prophetic word that I got at Daystar two years ago (October 09 or so). Larry landed on the following section of the word.

So, I am lining up for a Sozo. I sent this to Faye to see if she could help me with it. Was the LORD speaking to her about it? I am going to look at the church in Kennesaw (Riverstone) for the sozo. This lines up well with my dream the other night where I heard three times, “do not go to Bethel.”

When I got home, I turned on Kim Walker-Smith doing worship a week or so ago at Bethel Redding. In the middle of it, someone gets up and says that God is wanting to heal stuff from childhood, etc. etc. – all the stuff from my word. It was a great confirmation.

Jesus is going to heal something in me that I dont even know what it is. I am excited.

Here’s the word:

John, I sense that the LORD is covering you with a Presence. A Presence that will take you places. A Presence that will be very useful for where He is calling you to. One of the things that He is inviting you to do is to rest in Him and to know that He is the one who is doing what He is doing in you. Even as you go, you will be able to influence and make things change because His Presence is going to go with you and that Presence is the Presence that you dont have to really struggle with what is going on but just somehow because of – because you are there and the Presence of the LORD is there, there are things that are going to be unlocked that would not have been unlocked otherwise because He walks with you even as you walk with Him.

This is an invitation. The LORD wants to invite you to visit some places deep inside – deep, deep, deep that have been locked away. And, you both have been ok with that. And, it’s ok with the LORD if you should decide not to go there. But, there is an invitation to open up these hurt places and allow the LORD to clean them out. There’s childhood things, just a litany of things that are behind a number of doors. I dont see more than two or three. But, there is a lot of stuff in each one of those. Again, invitation – invitation. And, again, if, in this season, you have a heart or a desire or would like to visit these places and to find freedom in these areas, the LORD is offering that to you, but it is not a requirement because it is such a deep thing. This ties directly to the level of intimacy. You’re not satisfied sometimes with the level of intimacy that you are walking in. There are times where the LORD is really, really present and close, and it’s awesome. But, there are other times where you wonder, “how in the world do I press in harder and not get the Presence of the LORD?” And, these deep place of intimacy in your heart – you had to protect yourself. That’s what’s closed these up. So, the LORD totally understands the defensive posture and why they are closed up. but, He is giving you an invitation just to allow Him to help. All that is in an opening of a doorway – just a peep – just a crack. And, the LORD is saying that there is going to be almost simultaneous liberty in those places because it’s just a matter of posture of heart to offer Him those places that He is offering you an invitation in.