God is the healer!

I went to Daystar last night to see Julius Oyet. He was awesome. I came face to face with deep truth about healing. The biggest take away was that God is the healer – not me! I have been putting pressure on me to heal and not having faith to do it. However, we are in covenant with God. He always honors His covenants. And, He has made covenant to heal! There is nothing that we need to do. We pray, He heals. Bless God!

Oh, I have much to confess over my ignorance, unbelief and doubt, but the LORD is good. He is Jehova Rapha – God is the healer.

I got prayed over and actually fell out in the Spirit. Crazy, that has never happened before. My eyes were fluttering behind my eyelids, and my hands were all tingly – numb even. I was wondering if I was laying on them to cut off the circulation. Sonmething was going on for certain. But, I know it was God. He was pouring His healing oil upon me and giving me greater eyes to see what He has going on.

From this day forward, I shall pray for all the folks that He brings my way. If He heals them, yea! If not, yea! It’s all up to Him. I am simply here for the ride and to proclaim the Gospel. Bless Jesus.