I havent spoken with Laura on the word that I sent her (see previous post). However, something interesting happened yesterday – actually, it was amazing.
When Loraine was here last week, she made mention to me that when Laura found out that I had been laid off in Boulder and was coming home, her world seemed to crumble. That, she said, was the start of this. Yesterday, I had lunch with my mom. We were talking abuot all of this, and she tells me exactly the same story – almost verbatim. I’m like, “whoa, this is the LORD telling me when it all began.”
And, so it was. Laura picked up the offense last spring, and jezebel gained a quick foothold. Witchcraft comes out of Jezebel, and that explains why I hsaw witches last year and have been at such war for this entire period. Laura has been the open door for all of the attacks. But, bless the LORD. He has had a plan the entire time.
Now, Laura still needs to repent. And, I dont know if she has.
Richard Darnell comes over in a couple of days. I am praying that something big happens then.
Also, we can see why it was so important for me not to go over to H.O. Giles with Laura and Jordan. There was legal access for the devil to be attacking. If we had gone over there, we would have been fighting against what God had legally set out. That would have been a mess, and bless God for not letting us get into that.
So, I bless Laura. I pray God that You would cover her. She is under the blood of Jesus, and her sins are forgiven. I pray God that You would bring a heart of conviction and repentance. LORD, open her eyes to the truth, and release this family from the devil’s grip. Delivery us from evil, LORD.
Thank You, Jesus.