The other day, I was running. I was really in a bad mood and under attack.
The LORD started talking to me and told me to just get into a heart of praise and worship. So, I did, and His Presence came all over me, and the attack was over.
Then, He told me about a lying spirit that was giving Laura a hard time and that I needed to go pray with her about it when I got home.
Then, He started showing me things about Kristy Prillaman. She had a battle with breast cancer going. Well, I just knew that we were to go pray for her right then. Laura had been prophesying about her being healed. When, I got back from the run, I called Kristy and told her that we were coming over to pray, and she said ok.
At her house, I anointed her and got her to sit on the couch. Laura and I both laid hands on her, and I called fire and lightning down and rebuked the spirit of death and the spirit of cancer.
When we were done, Kristy said that she felt heat and that something left her chest area. She could actually feel something go out of her. Way cool.
I believe that she was healed. I am excited to see what the report brings. She was scheduled to have a double mastectomy. No way is the devil going to steal here.
Bless God