Going Deeper

I had a good chat with Teri Usiak.

Working out another layer of pain from father issues.

Two feeligns:

  1. anger
  2. dishonor

God, how do You see me?

Would You please show me so that all else wouldnt matter?

What are the expectations and judgments I placed on my dad?

Wold you wipe away disappointments?

How must I repent?


  1. that my dad would lead his family spiritually
  2. that my dad would protect us spritually
  3. he would support me in my efforts in the call of God on my life
  4. he would be more than a traffic cop
  5. that he would be htere for me
  6. he would bless me
  7. he and my mom would grow and be spiritually matuer
  8. he would nto abdicate his job as a father
  9. he would understand