Golden Lamp

I see a golden lamp in heaven being poured out over the earth. Oil of gold covers the earth. It splashes everywhere.

Joy covers the earth. There is no sickness. No pain. No death. No financial strain. Freely people love one another.

I see Jesus on His throne looking over His people. He cares so deeply for people. He yearns for us. He longs just to be in our presence. He just wants to be next to us.

I see brilliant streaks of color shooting around like comets of rainbows. These are the Spirits of God – all seven of them.

There are streams of crystal water everywhere. Vegetation is abundant. There is no want.

Freedom. People are free. No one pretends. Worship is easy. We cannot help but worship the One who made us – who saved us. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Heave has come down.