Good Friday

I talk to today at 2pm. God will do it. Bless the LORD.

I had a fallout with Jordan last night. I just keep hurting her. The LORD got me up at 4am today. We dealt with this. I am releasing my need to be right. There are relationships that you dont need to be right in. Just love. If they say something wrong, dont correct. Just love. Go in the spirit and declare what is right to bring change to the natural. This I will work on. Laura needs this loving too from me.

Then, I prayed for 1.5 hours. I declared stuff and shot my flame thrower at the snakes and bears. Holy Spirit was all over me as I prophetically burned up the snakes. I took out my sword and lopped the head of the king cobra off. He was still standing with 90% of his head hanging off and his body on fire and smoldering. I saw the LORD’s foot come down from heaven (it had on a sandal) and stomp him out like a cigarette butt.

God is doing it.

A new day.

I starts today – Good Friday.