I just knew that I was supposed to be there. Our God is so loving. Man, did I need to hear this.
I was at a real low point with everything. I felt far from God and like my anointing was zero. Laura and I were distant. Things sucked all around, and I knew that I was in the fire. What else was to be expected. This word was given to me at Daystar a couple weeks ago. As soon as this word was given, things started to break. I have been ok with work – diligent and working at it hard. That is good. I have seen a bit of an increase in my anointing and a big increase in the Presence of God. Just this Friday (9th of October 2009), I got a note from Stephanie to call her. She told me that Holy Spirit was talking to her about me but didnt have a word. I didnt sense anything. But, I believed that God was shooting out a flare for me to be alert. Well, I drove from one meeting to another and saw Texas come up three times, with the last being Austin. I dont know what’s going on, but perhaps we are coming to the end of this season and about to start the next – in Austin? Only the LORD knows.
Here’s the actual word typed out:
O LORD, we thank You. We bless You. Thank You for John, even this moment. Thank You that You brought him into Your Presence that You may speak to him dear LORD. That You may fellowship with him dear Father – that You may encourage him dear Father. We bless Your Name dear Father as You come forth in Your love. As You come forth dear Father, in Your grace dear Father. Thank You for John dear LORD, even as You minister to him through us dear Father. WE are Your vessels dear Father. We bless You LORD. Amen.
Well, John the LORD’s showing me what He is doing with you, and I have never seen it before. You are doing a spiritual morphing. There is a tightness and a tenseness and a hardness that’s coming in your mid section. It;s like from every direction, you are getting squeezed. And, it’s obviously not a comfortable place, but the LORD wants to assure you that there is an intention to it, and it’s actually a result of prayers that you’ve been crying out for. It doesnt seem like it, but there is a capacity and increase of His Presence that you have been pressing in for. There is a depth to His power that you are after. And, there is; you’ve asked for revelation, clarity in the revelation pictures, just that whole realm of supernatural activity that you have really been pressing the LORD for – that’s what’s happening. He’s answering that prayer. And, it doesnt seem like that.
And, ummm, He wants to encourage you that the freedom that you have in the spirit is increasing with each notch of the belt that tightens. And, the freedom that you have to go an minister in different places. By minster, I mean impart your spirit, minister, traveling to different places is increasing. So, your range – range of where you go is increasing, and what you have influence over is increasing. And, the amount of anointing – the amount of authority is also increasing. It’s like the top of you and the bottom of you is getting more freedom, but the middle part is getting squished.
What the LORD wants to let you know is that while you had an awesome relationship before this activity started, what you didnt know was that as you were praying for this, what you are getting squeezed into is the shape of the thing. That’s the thing. Youre just being morphed. Youre not going to look like you did when you first started this thing, and there were some specific prayers that you prayed about – that no matter what it costs. And so, the LORD’s bringing that to your memory, but He also wants to let you know that He’s larger than the squeezing. And, He’s larger than the discomfort, and He’s larger than the morphing, and its just a painful thing. Any kind of morph is a painful thing.
But, He wants to let you know that because of the success, even to this point, you have already been promoted like three notches. There’s a compounding of your spiritual promotion because of your sort of surrendering to this thing. And, the LORD has been waiting to do it for a long time, but you finally go tot his place in your spirit where you are surrendered to it. And so, there’s an authority if you will; there’s a strength in the spirit. You’re making a lot more headway than you thought that you were in a short season of time.
And, the LORD wants to let you know that it is a short season on the squeezing, and there’s even a freedom – breakthrough out of this that’s coming. I see it in the finances. When this thing happens, it will be like breaking that squeezing. But, because it’s been squeezing so hard, it will maintain that same shape. So, it’s going to come in the physical first – then the release in the spirit, and all the tightness that you are feeling the thinness. There’s the word. The thinness that you are feeling right now will be released when this thing happens in the spirit realm. And, I also have a sense that this is going to happen outside of your current understanding or influence or circle of friends. This is going to be a new thing that God is doing and that will be one of the ways that you have a suspicion that it’s Him. And, there will be other – almost like designer business cards that will be dropped in your lap that you know this had to be God for this to happen this way.
And He also wants to commend you that “I am not making the wrong decisions” because there were several things that came up that you chose correctly on. And, you are indeed right on track – right on target. It’s almost like your nose is on the target. You couldnt. It’s like your’re not missing it. You’re right on track. And, there’s things that could have been very, very distracting – you could have really missed it, but you didnt.
And, the LORD’s really, really proud of you. And, He says “now, well done good and faithful servant.” And, He says that you cannot continue doing what you are doing in Him and not receive the reward that you are after.
John, when you cam in here, I just saw a or heard in my spirit, “revelation.” And, I feel like God is going to pour in some profound revelation in you. I see something related to a lab – like as in those viles, the glass that they make formulas in and such. Ask the LORD about it. It’s something to do about the medical field – it’s all I can say about that.
In the middle of what you are going through, there has been a lot of cleaning. And, you have long since cleaned the heavy duty, big stuff, but the cleaning that’s going on now is the minutiae – the little seemingly unimportant things. But, there is a light that He wants to shine through you. It’s almost like He is using a feather duster instead of a vacuum cleaner. There’s a little bit of dust left off the top. The kind of light that He wants to shine through you is going to require that kind of reflection, and that’s why He’s being so meticulous about all these little things. There’s things that He has asked you to give up or He has touched or whatever, and it doesnt seem important. And, He wants to let you know that in most lives, it probably wouldnt be. But, because what you have prayed for and what you are after, it’s important for you because of the level of light that He wants to have reflect.
And, there’s also a promise that He has given. Because, of this level of clarity and light and purpose that you are after, there’s going to be a recompense of the clientele if you will. Those people that you are going to influence, and those people that you are going to be able to minister to and reach are of a higher caliber – a different caliber than you have been used to. There will be people where you will wake up saying, “what in the world am I doing ministering in this situation?” or “how in the world do I have a relationship with these people?” It’s just going to be a sort of promotion if you will. You will be influencing influencers is a way of saying it. So, the impact that you are going to have is going to be compounded through that.
I saw you on a plane, and it’s a very important contact – a high-level contact with this person. And, I think that it’s in the financial area.
John, I sense that the LORD is covering you with a Presence. A Presence that will take you places. A Presence that will be very useful for where He is calling you to. One of the things that He is inviting you to do is to rest in Him and to know that He is the one who is doing what He is doing in you. Even as you go, you will be able to influence and make things change because His Presence is going to go with you and that Presence is the Presence that you dont have to really struggle with what is going on but just somehow because of – because you are there and the Presence of the LORD is there, there are things that are going to be unlocked that would not have been unlocked otherwise because He walks with you even as you walk with Him.
This is an invitation. The LORD wants to invite you to visit some places deep inside – deep, deep, deep that have been locked away. And, you both have been ok with that. And, it’s ok with the LORD if you should decide not to go there. But, there is an invitation to open up these hurt places and allow the LORD to clean them out. There’s childhood things, just a litany of things that are behind a number of doors. I dont see more than two or three. But, there is a lot of stuff in each one of those. Again, invitation – invitation. And, again, if, in this season, you have a heart or a desire or would like to visit these places and to find freedom in these areas, the LORD is offering that to you, but it is not a requirement because it is such a deep thing. This ties directly to the level of intimacy. You’re not satisfied sometimes with the level of intimacy that you are walking in. There are times where the LORD is really, really present and close, and it’s awesome. But, there are other times where you wonder, “how in the world do I press in harder and not get the Presence of the LORD?” And, these deep place of intimacy in your heart – you had to protect yourself. That’s what’s closed these up. So, the LORD totally understands the defensive posture and why they are closed up. but, He is giving you an invitation just to allow Him to help. All that is in an opening of a doorway – just a peep – just a crack. And, the LORD is saying that there is going to be almost simultaneous liberty in those places because it’s just a matter of posture of heart to offer Him those places that He is offering you an invitation in.
I saw a form coming down from heaven and on it the word “medial report” and on it “good”.
There is particular emphasis that the LORD wants to place on joy. There’s been an attack specifically against the joy that’s been kept in you. The LORD wants to protect that and help you steward with that. There’s going to be some real heady presence times that He is going to restore that for you. It’s almost like a seal to some of the things that He has told you tonight to show you that it’s Him. And, that He means business about these things. There’s going to be a restoration of joy. It’s an impartation from the manifestation of His Presence that’s going to come. I dont know if it’s through the word or quiet time or whatever. He says that there’s going to be some times that it doesnt seem like it’s convenient. He’s going to interrupt your day to bring these things to you. He’s offering if you are sensitive to them – a real impartation at that time if you will take the time to turn away like Moses, there will be a quick impartation. And, that’s how the joy is going to be restored in your heart.
Father, we just thank You for this awesome, mighty man of God, and the journey that he has endured and been successful in. We just rejoice LORD God that he is still here. His nose is still pointed towards You. That he’s been so successful LORD God in everything and all the junk that’s been thrown at him and yet, here he is. LORD, we just celebrate with him on that call that’s on his life that he’s been stewarding and pursuing with such zeal, and we just bless him. We speak to his spirit, and we say, “John, you are legitimate and your purpose is right on and you’re on target. You haven’t been delayed and you havent missed it. Your God is with you. Your Father is surrounding you. Everything that you need for righteousness and godliness is within you. The joy of the LORD is your strength. Righteousness, peace and joy is the kingdom and dwells within you richly. So, be blessed with all the provision of the LORD. And, be blessed with His Presence continually increasing in your life. We release you into that call and into that blessing in Jesus’ name. Amen.