Hello friends!
Just wanted to say that I’m thinking of all of you tonight– and the blessings that we shared across the ocean nearly a year ago now. It is funny but when it rains it pours. I have been touched, recently, to reminisce with Joy of our sweet fellowship as roommates (LOVED this memory Joy!), was sent a picture by Bill from Israel that totally captured a prophetic insight about my identity (oh, prophetic encouragement– hallelujah!), heard Colorado John tonight at a supper club (i was surprised! Geoff just handed me the phone and i was confused for a second- ha! ;), felt Selene’s Holy Spirit pulse tonight as i was praying for someone (felt a familiar whiff of the Spirit that i sensed the same way in you, girl!), have the honor of continuing on with Parilee and her growing and healing (as you say, girl, our God makes us speechless!), see Karen being stirred up in the prophetic at newer and greater levels (freedom is comin, freedom is coming all around!), and just happened to open a drawer tonight that i forgot contained some of my paper souvenirs from Israel– maps, tickets, etc. So fun.
So, needless to say, y’all are being so very highlighted to me of late, and I just pray the Lord’s richest blessing on this “Love team.” In case I have not said it in this way before, you all just need to know that you have been a part of an integral part of my journey and rubbing lives with you has changed me– and for the better! I really began to understand community on this trip in a way I never before understood it and it has helped me to move forward this year and take steps to risk being more of me instead of being so closed off and anxious with others. Step by step, I see the way that HIS Love– flowing through HIS people– is the currency of all things that are worth anything. 🙂
May God BLESS each one of you wherever you are in your journey today, and may He MOVE POWERFULLY in each one of our lives this week!!!
God Bless!!