hard few days

The oppression has been big these last few days. I have had a hard time finding joy in anything. Work, Laura, life, etc. All have been weighing on me.

As I press in, it becomes apparent that I am looking too far ahead. I have grace for today – that’s it. And, I am focusing on my circumstances rather than God.

I saw Chris Foster yesterday for a coffee. We were looking at the thought of working together. He got “n0t yet”. I got no. I got no before. But, my circumstances caused me to want to get out. The good is that we both entered into this prayerfully, and God answered us. Bless Him.

Chris said something that was profound. If Jesus were physically sitting here with me, would I care about the job or the situation with Laura or anything else? No! I wouldn’t care at all. None of that would matter. I probably wouldn’t even think about it.

That tells me a couple of things. The first is that I really do want Jesus more than anything. Yea to that! Secondly, when we are present with Him, the cares of the world matter not. Draw near to Him…

So, now I press into Him and not the circumstance. I repent of my selfishness and am back to praising the God of all. His great Love is amazing. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. In Christ, Amen.