Hearing God again

Yesterday, when running, I heard quite a bit from the LORD for Bridgeway, and I sent it to Peter Young. Here is what he sent back today:


Thanks John!
I hear you have moved your family out successfully and are in Broomfield.  Thanks for this note on what is coming.  Jeff and Matt are leaving.  We are trying to honor although there are lots of questions and concern with their leaving at the moment and for them as well.  Would appreciate your prayers.  Bless you and family.  Pray God leads as to ultimate church fellowship.
Love you,

Sent from my iPad

On Jun 26, 2012, at 9:05 AM, John Stein | the revenue factory <john.stein@revenuelove.com> wrote:

Hey Peter,

I have a couple of words for you. Please test them accordingly.
1) I saw you in a lodge at night time. You were wearing those old-timey pajamas that looked more like a long dress for a man. What is that? A night shirt or whatever. You had on a nightcap too. 1700’s or so. You had a single candle in its holder thing and were walking the hall of the lodge checking on all of your kids, who were sleeping. I also saw that two of the rooms were vacant. Everyone else was asleep, and there was peace.
I believe that two of your people are leaving. Maybe, Matt is one of them. I also believe that the label, “rebel” and “prodigal” have been placed upon them. But, the LORD would call them, “voyagers”. Honor needs to be bestowed with a rightful “sending”. God will replace the vacancies.
Your light was not extinguished.
Also, I heard, “David Brainard” for you and believe that his mantle will be passed along to you.
You are in your rightful place as the papa. Keep watch over your sheep, including those in leadership. They rest when they know you are over them. They get afraid when you do. Stay solid in your identity.
2) I dont know if you recall the vision that I had the last time I was at the prayer thing that Tuesday evening. But, I saw 3 diamonds – big ones being placed in Denver, Ft. Collins and Colo Springs. I kept hearing “brilliance and brightness”. Then, I saw a plumb line being drawn across the tops of those fires, and a wave coming from the west over the mountains. It was so big that houses tumbled. God said that we were not praying big enough. It’s much bigger than we imagine.
So, I believe that the fires are the diamonds. The first was near Grant’s place. The second was Ft. Collins, and now we have one going on the Springs. Some people are saying that the LORD is judging folks and that the fires are because of rebellion and other sin. I dont know about all of that, but I do believe that this heat and those fires are prophetic signs.
Diamonds with lots of brightness brilliance are said to have a lot of fire. My take on this is that these fires are the start of the LORD’s fire coming down. Many of His people are just dry bones and have walked through seasons where they are ready to go up in flames. Holy kindling, so to speak. Many are crying out for God’s fire to fall, and it is about to happen in a major way and is already happening.
I also believe that many are regaining their first love and will soon see a return of the zeal of the LORD. Grace will reconnect them.
Finally, I see that a pure heart and clean hands are really critical. God is working out the final details in many’s preparatory seasons. Let Him finish the work. He will apply the gas in due season.
The plumb line is being laid. The outpouring is coming very soon and now is. And, I believe that we will see a move come in from the west, hit Denver and go up to the north. Then, it will go down through the Springs. Bridgeway is targeted as one of the early fire starters.
Please let me know if you are seeing any of this or getting other words to this end as well.
LOVE be yours.
Peace and favor,

John Stein | the revenue factory
CEO & President, founder
