Henry Rohifs

I had lunch today with Henry. He is a man in his 70’s that could be classified as a charismatic Catholic. Dig that!

Henry has raised the dead and heals cancer. He is also very prophetic and didnt understand that. So, we had a good time sharing. 

I called out his prophetic and anointed him to move in deeper revelatory gifts. He felt the peace of the LORD come upon him while I prayed.

I asked for resurrection power, and he declined to pray for it for me. He said that it wasnt time yet. Well, that hurt. But, ok. I know that the LORD will bring me into it when He is ready.

Henry did say that I am trying to hard. That was a prophetic word.

And, he said that I already own cancer. Now, that’s encouraging. He said that fear, anger, unforgiveness and hate are common issues with people and cancer. He ministers to that and sees victory. Good word, indeed.

So, I will go destroy cancer. 

I will wait on the LORD for raising the dead.

And, I will simply not try so hard.