This about says it all.
I think it’s safe to say all Americans have been taught a war occurred in the 1860’s to free the slaves, and most still believe this to be true. Some have done a little research and have discovered the vast majority of the North—the side said to be fighting to free the slaves—were in fact Republicans, and the vast majority of the South that were said to be fighting to keep the slaves in bondage, were in fact Democrats.This is true, but the Civil War wasn’t fought to free the slaves. Like every other war, it was fought over money.The South was an agricultural juggernaut with no real competition, and the North was an industrial area with stiff competition from Europe. The South could afford to leave the United States and start their own country, but the North couldn’t afford to lose the South. The North had more people, and the South had more money. The North was able to vote in laws that inevitably required the South to pay 90% of the country’s taxes.As I said, this wasn’t a war over slavery—it was fought over money.We are led to believe that when slavery was abolished, the lives of the former slaves of the South became enriched, opportunities arose, and life was great. The truth is that for most former slaves in the South, life became harder—even more cruel.With legalized slavery, it was in the best interest of slave owners that their slaves remained healthy enough to work the fields. Slaves were an investment to them. Owning a slave required a sizable upfront fee to purchase. A slave was considered the property of the slave owner for life. The slave needed to be sheltered and fed, and when a slave was no longer able to work due to injury or age, they were to be taken care of by the slave owner until they died. Whether this happened or not, it was the slave owner’s responsibility.With the ending of legalized slavery came sharecropping. Sharecropping is when a landowner hires people to work their land and as payment for their work; they allow the workers to keep the yield of a small portion of what the land produces.This new business arrangement meant the former slave owners no longer needed to pay a hefty upfront fee to own the slaves. They were no longer responsible for the slaves, or rather to protect their investment. If the sharecroppers died in the field, so bit it—they would hire someone else to replace them. This was a win-win situation for the former slave owners.I’m not saying all landowners in the South were evil, but this created an opportunity for them to reap the rewards without any of the responsibilities in a time when the country was decimated by a civil war. It also opened the door to enslave even more of the country. Two-thirds of the sharecroppers at this time were actually White.The 1910’s is a decade you don’t really hear much about—maybe you hear a little bit about the first World War and more recently, the Spanish Flu. The Twenties was known as the Roaring Twenties and the Thirties was the depression decade. The Forties was the decade America saved the world from the evil Axis powers. The Fifties was the decade America thrived and became a cultural and economic powerhouse. The Sixties was the decade of change, and so on.The 1910’s could be called the decade we all became slaves.The 1910’s was a time when systems were put in place and technology was being developed to control and enslave the whole nation, if not the world.With a plan in place, taking complete control of the country required a national police force to be established, and on 07/26/1908, the FBI was formed. They needed some time to get up and running for the massive control campaign that would soon get underway.The FBI was known as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and later changed their name to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The BOI started with 34 employees and has grown to 35,000 with an annual budget of $10 billion today. ($10 billion is what we see, who knows the real number.)In its infancy, the BOI’s first task was to surveil houses of prostitution to prepare for the enforcement of the Mann Act, otherwise known as the “white slave traffic act”. It’s laughable to me that with so few employees, they were singularly focused on ending sex slavery, and today with 35,000, not so much. Instead, we have 80 agents assigned to look for mean tweets.With a national police force in place to keep the people inline, it was now time to create a propaganda system, Hollywood.The first movies were made in Europe in the 1890’s, and it didn’t take long to realize movies had the potential to greatly influence the general public. In October of 1911, the first Hollywood movie studio was opened on Sunset Boulevard, and within a year, 15 other movie studios had followed suit. The reason for the massive inflow of movie makers into this Southern California region was said to be the weather. The weather allowed them to film all year round, and the area could mimic many locations throughout the world. By 1924, movies had become the 7th largest industry in America, and the number one propaganda tool.Interestingly, in late December of 2022, a Brad Pitt movie came out called Babylon. In it the viewer experiences how depraved the Hollywood scene was back in the 1920’s. Perversion of all kinds—drugs, excessive drinking, deaths involving the elites swept under the rug. There is even a scene where the Hollywood stars have to ‘suck up’ to the Rothschilds, who were big financiers of Hollywood movies. Anyone surprised by this?Babylon is set at a time in Hollywood when the industry is transitioning from silent films to “talkies”. Brad Pitts character is a big silent movie star and finds himself being cast aside as “talking” movies become the norm. I can’t help but see some kind of predictive programming occurring in this movie. Hollywood letting us know how bad things were and are, desensitizing us to their depravity—normalizing it. At the same time, I see the transition from silent to talking movies as a metaphor of society moving on from Hollywood, and our not being mesmerized by them anymore.Their transition towards insignificance.Ironically, not long before writing this post, a Hollywood producer was arrested for running a prostitution ring for the elites. His accusers claim they were drugged and held prisoner, forced into prostitution. The FBI is now pursuing charges.Care to guess what the charges are? Violations of the Mann Act—sex slavery. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.With the Hollywood film industry firmly planted in the 1910’s, and in high gear by the 1920’s, broadcast radio soon followed in the 1920’s, with television in the 1940’s. America could now be told what was morally acceptable, what was important in life, as well as what they should fear. The elite cabal now had a propaganda tool that reached and affected everyone.America was now a slave to Hollywood propaganda.At the beginning of the 20th century, John D. Rockefeller had become the richest man in America from his monopolization of the oil industry. The first Model T Ford, which made the automobile accessible to the masses didn’t even roll off the production line in Detroit until 1908. What did Rockefeller do when the Model T became available to the masses and the need for oil and gasoline greatly increased? He transitioned to the medical industry.Without going into too much detail, Rockefeller was instrumental in transitioning medicine from being mostly homeopathic and natural to an allopathic, petrochemical means of treatment. For hundreds of years, medicine came from natural sources, and now medicine would come from chemicals.Rockefeller bought shares of I.G. Farben, a pharmaceutical company out of Germany. Some may recognize the name as being one of Nazi Germany’s biggest companies. Rockefeller quickly put out a smear campaign to make natural healing modalities appear to be quackery. He as well as Andrew Carnegie started medical schools to teach only allopathic medicine, and the AMA was formed. The American Medical Association would only recognize people who practiced allopathic, chemical-based medicine.In 1910, the Rockefeller Institute Hospital opened its doors. This was the first center for clinical research, the birthplace of virology. In other words, the birthplace of Big Pharma. Now, if you didn’t follow the guidelines set by the new allopathic medical industry—a pill for every illness—you couldn’t practice medicine in America.Now America was a slave to Big Pharma.With the FBI, Hollywood and Big Pharma in place, it was now time for the biggest of them all, debt slavery.In November 1910, six men: Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia. These men represented wealthy bankers, such as J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and got together in secret to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.Some people have heard the theory that the Titanic was sunk in 1912 because, on board there were three wealthy businessmen who opposed forming a Federal Reserve: Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss, and John Jacob Astor. The theory is the ship was sunk to eliminate their opposition to the Federal Reserve and to send a message to others that spoke up against it.A Federal Reserve system needed to be voted in by Congress, and the American public was vehemently opposed to it. The majority of Congressmen wouldn’t go against their constituents in voting the Federal Reserve in; it would be political suicide.On 12/23/1913, when most of Congress was home or on their way home for the holidays, a surprise vote was taken on the Federal Reserve. Those who were paid to get it passed obviously stuck around for the vote, and like that, we now had the Federal Reserve—a private system of Wall Street bankers that now controlled the money supply system. They controlled how much money went into the money supply system as well as interest rates, and the money created was backed by nothing.This was the fox guarding the henhouse.The IRS has actually been around since 1862, it was formed to collect money for the Civil War. After the Civil War ended, the IRS kind of went away, in that there was no longer any real need for it anymore.The IRS was reformed on 2/25/1913. Why did they reform the IRS, you might ask?In 1909, the 16th Amendment created an income tax on Americans, but it wasn’t ratified until 2/3/1913, a few weeks before the IRS was brought back, and ten months before the Federal Reserve was formed.Why did we need an income tax?Up to this point, existing taxes seemed to get the job done. We needed a new income tax to pay the bankers running the Federal Reserve. They printed money out of nothing and put it into the money supply system, which creates inflation. A dollar from 1913 now has the purchasing power of two cents. Prior to the Federal Reserve, a dollar from 1800 had roughly the same purchasing power in 1900—a hundred years later.When the Federal Reserve bankers printed money out of nothing, backed by nothing, they charged the US interest on it. A federal income tax was needed to pay that interest to the bankers put in charge of creating our money.When income tax started, Americans baulked at the idea. In order to get Americans to pay a new income tax, they started off small—a one percent tax on income. Just as the theory of boiling a frog to death without it jumping out of the pot, they slowly increased the tax rate to what we have today. If they had started at 15% or 20%, there would have been another revolution.Today, no one knows a time when they didn’t pay income taxes.Anyone who thinks 2020 was the worst year ever with the Covid lockdowns and hysteria, just look at 1913. We got the IRS, income tax and the Federal Reserve all in the same year. I suppose you could say it is the year mass, enduring inflation was created as well.Debt slavery was now in place.The decade of 1910 also included some other major events and institutions being created or formed.The 1910’s is when psychoanalysis came to America, or rather control through the unconscious.In 1885, Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud was introduced to hypnosis, which quickly led him to other more consistent techniques of treating ailments. Psychoanalysis was born—a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies explained as originating in conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. In other words, treating people for ailments that were occurring on an unconscious level.Freud’s work eventually reached American James Jackson Putman, a Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System at Harvard, and Putnam’s subsequent public endorsement of Freud’s work represented a significant breakthrough for the psychoanalytic cause in the US.In 1911, using Freud’s work, James Jackson Putnam and fellow neurologist Ernest Jones organized the founding of the American Psychoanalytic Association; they were elected president and secretary, respectively.In 1912, Sigmund Freud’s American nephew Edward Bernays graduated from Cornell University and chose Journalism as a career. He began to use his uncle’s techniques and understanding of the unconscious mind to become the father of Public Relations. He could also be considered the father of modern advertising. In 1928, Bernays wrote the book Propaganda in which he states propaganda isn’t just beneficial, but necessary in governing a nation.The 1910’s was the decade Americans began to be altered, affected and controlled on an unconscious level. Brainwashed.1914 gave us the first World War and a war-like system that still dominates today. Wars are used to take control of civilizations while enriching the financial backers of the wars.The same Wall Street and Federal Reserve bankers have financed both sides of every major war in over a century, including the Nazis and the Allies. They finance the Americans as well as the people killing the Americans. They financed the people running the concentration camps in WWII; they funded the people who intentionally starved millions of Soviet Ukrainians in the 1930’s, as well as the people in charge of the killing fields in Cambodia.WWI was the start of the perfect marriage between bankers who control the money and warlords who create wars to take over civilizations and economies.1916 gave us Planned Parenthood. Started by a group of racists looking to control the population and eliminate the gene pool of groups they viewed as inferior, Planned Parenthood clinics were set up mostly in Black neighborhoods in an attempt to reduce or eliminate Blacks from American society.In my opinion, legal abortion became the greatest Satanic child sacrifice system the world has ever known.In 1917, we had the Spanish Flu, which created an opportunity to control through the fear of pandemics. We’ve seen this firsthand with COVID. After the Spanish Flu died off, the Rockefeller run Big Pharma companies rolled out their vaccines, and claimed they were the reason the Spanish Flu ended.Sound familiar?The 1910’s: the decade we all became slaves.Slaves to propaganda. Slaves to Big Pharma and Big Medicine. Slaves to debt. Slaves to wars. Slaves to mind control. Slaves to government control.Prior to the Civil War, slaves were people who couldn’t leave the plantation; they were forced to work and had no rights. Today, because of the systems put in place in the 1910’s, we are all now slaves. We are convinced we are free, but we are slaves. We may not have literal shackles around our ankles, but we have nowhere to run. There is nowhere to which we can escape. We are shackled by our debt, our mortgages, our taxes, our need to be a part of the system to survive. Our minds are conditioned to believe we are free and able to choose. Our minds have been conditioned to limit our expectations in life.At the start of the Civil War, 12% of Americans were slaves, owned by other individual Americans. Today, 99% of Americans are slaves owned by the American system, whether one understands this or not.It is important to understand it wasn’t always the way it is today. We weren’t always slaves to the media, the government, and the banking system. We need to set our expectations higher. Set our expectations to thrive, not merely survive. Because our whole existence has only known the system in which we live today, we are incapable of truly imagining the world how it could be, how it should be … in many senses, how it was.We shouldn’t be fighting for a country that is 10% better than it is now. A life that is 20% better than the one we now live. Our expectations should be to have a country and life 100% better than it is today. It is possible. Our whole lives, we have been conditioned to expect less. The Cabal’s ultimate goal is for us to have nothing and be SATISFIED with it.We are limited by our own expectations. There is a big difference between wishes and expectations. Expectations are when you stop just hoping, and actually do something about it—to hold ourselves and others accountable. To raise one’s expectations is to achieve greatness. It is time for us to hold people accountable, but in order to hold others accountable, we must first reset our own expectations of how things should be.The reason one has low expectations is they don’t really believe expectations can be met or they don’t care enough that they are met. We are conditioned to feel this way. Corporations, organizations and government officials won’t change unless they are forced to. We deserve better, and we must insist on better. But unless we actually act upon this insistence, our country and its leaders will never change.While I fully believe there is a group of Patriots working diligently behind the scenes to take our country back, they can’t do our homework for us. We need to do the work. We need to educate ourselves, to lessen and remove the control the Cabal has over us.If we first free our minds, everything else will fall into place. It’s not just about informing others; it’s about believing ourselves. Believing and acting. Where you spend your time and money determines where your heart is.This is absolutely me preaching to myself. Where does your money, time and thoughts go towards? What evil company’s products and services do you use and support? What good companies and organizations do you support or not support? If we are lied to, spit on and slapped in the face by companies, why do we line up to give them our money? Until we decide to no longer accept the abuse, and not just talk about it, nothing will change.Which reminds me, I need to tithe to my church.Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.If you enjoyed this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of my work for free at Erik’s Substack.More From Erik CarlsonThis may be the best summation of the beginnings of the American cabal power I’ve read.Many miss the Rockefeller chemical medicine piece and virology piece. Even today there are multiple published, double-blind studies showing that things like grape seed extract and raw organic ginger root are hundreds to thousands of times more effective than chemo with NONE of the chemo side effects. Combine this with getting people to FEAR a virus boogeyman around every corner – and the masses are easily led with the Hollywood/Madison Avenue propaganda and the it is near impossible to derail that disinformation juggernaut. (Study the Beauchamp vs Pasteur battle to understand how the world has been misled on viruses). |
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John Stein