Israel (Old City)

We went into the Old City for the first time. Wow!

The oil was flowing big time. I prayed for Kaycie’s sprained wrist, and He healed her. Then I prayed for Selene’s hangover, and He healed it. Then I prayed for Joy’s headache, and He healed it.

I prayed for a pedlar with a crippled arm. We got it to stretch out, but I didnt see a full manifestation of healing.

We went into the Upper Room and again sang in tongues. It also was amazing. I know that there were angels singing along with us. The voices were amplified and more numerous. We all got a new dose of the Spirit on us.

The group is operating in a higher anointing. Much has been imparted. They are starting to heal each other. The prophetic is high. It is awesome. The love in the group is on steroids. This is the way it should be.

Our afternoon visit found us on the Mount of Olives. This is where Jesus ascended into heaven. It has an amazing view of Jerusalem.

The islamic prayer thing went off while we were there. I have never heard anything so horrible. It wasnt fearful, but there was such a demonic ring to it. There was taunting in it. Islam is wicked stuff. I could see black death in the air – demons flying around.

I prayed for a a deaf and dumb guy and all hell broke loose for our team. Bill got messed up. Kaycie was seeing things. It was crazy. We could all sense something was amiss. Johnny had recently given the order not to hold up the group by praying for others. I stretched it a little here but really took offense to it in my heart. Selene saw all kinds of demons wanting to get on me. 

We ended up talking about it and figured that we have started running outside of Johnny and Elizabeth’s covering. So, we went to everyone and confessed it, including J&E.

Today, I will go talk with Selene and Johnny and Elizabeth to get absolutely clear on praying for folks. My understanding is that is it is fine as long as we dont hold people up. Selene understands it to mean to not lay hands. 

A big lesson that I learned was that we should get permission from the people themselves. We need their will in it. The two people that I prayed for yesterday didnt give me permission. We need to ask them so that their will is in agreement for healing. This is something that needs researching but should be right on. God never encroaches on a person’s will.

On praying for others:

1) dont hold us up

2) ask the people if ok to pray

3) if yes, lay hands

4) if no, move on

Also, I believe that I need prayer covering. This brings the body closer to being one.

Tomorrow is the call! C’mon!!!

Selene prophesied over me about Laura. She spoke as one who knew our situation, but I dont think she did. She said that Laura as falling deeply in love with me. New places were being touched. She was coming into that place where she could release me to do what God has called me into. There were lots more, powerful words there that I didnt get cause of the noise. But, it had to be right on.