Jack Dreams of a Swamp

Jack called me last night. He is down in Columbus with Laura and his grandmother for thanksgiving. He relayed this dream.

He was in a swamp with Annie (jack’s new dog). Jack was waist-deep in the water.
There was a poisonous snake on a log like a water moccasin. It came after him, and he tried to grab it. But, it bit him twice.
Jack found the nearest house and was trying to get help from the people there, but they were not helpful. They gave him a bandaid, but Jack knew he needed to go to the hospital. They wouldn’t take him so he started walking to the hospital himself.
The poison started taking effect, and he was getting dizzy so he called Uber, who took him to the hospital.
End of Dream.
I just woke up with a dream that Laura was trying to get Jack to move to Bald Ridge Marina in GA.